Tuesday 23 June 2015

Small Business Ideas without investment

One of the main criteria of every business is the need for investment. We propose to consider a few business ideas, implementation of which does not require any cost, or the minimum required investments.

Business No Cost

If you want to start your own business and start-up capital is not, you can do, such as walking the dog. You can also make unusual pots for indoor plants or seedlings that many hostess will be happy to acquire a functional interior decoration. Or you can make toys of flowers , examples of which can be found at fashplant.ru. New, but pretty popular type of business without investing is to provide advice on effective shopping. To do this you need to know where you can buy a variety of trendy clothes at affordable prices. Another good option is a business on the children, but rather to their upbringing and education. Thus, we can open a private kindergarten, tutoring, take children to kindergarten or school, for a fee, and more. In addition, you can do the installation of antennas or pizza delivery, preliminary agreements with several pizzerias.

Business with minimal investment

There are many such ideas. Property owners can rent their apartments for holding parties. Thus it is necessary to have good neighbors and not to accept all incoming offers as a couple of hours the apartment can not only be robbed, but also destroyed. You can also rent a cottage, located in picturesque places of the country. This area garden should not be planted with various vegetables, vacationers have the opportunity to soak up the sun or play badminton.

You can also create your own Fortune predicting salons. This requires only a deck of fortunetelling cards and study their designation. In addition, you can open the hotel for flowers, which will bring its "green friends" people going for a few weeks. You can also take payment of bills of others. Naturally, they have to provide receipts and money. Well read and buy books can open a home library and give books rented for a small fee. In addition, you can open a private club on different interests (single people, photography enthusiasts, numismatic, etc.). Profit in this case will act as the membership fees are periodically collected from all participants.

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